1 month

  • 2 hours of review per week
  • 3 classes per week
  • 1 hour of support per week
  • 2 tests per week
  • Feature Title

3 month

  • 2 hours of review per week
  • 3 classes per week
  • 1 hour of support per week
  • 15 minutes to communicate in Arabic
  • 2 tests per week

6 month

  • 3 hours of review per week
  • 4 classes per week
  • 2 hour of support per week
  • 25 minutes to communicate in Arabic
  • 2 tests per week

12 month

  • 5 hours of review per week
  • 5 classes per week
  • 3 hours of support per week
  • 35 minutes to communicate in Arabic
  • 2 tests per week
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